
Battery life Calculator

Calculator which helps to calculate the actual battery capacity and full discharge time using Peukert's Law.

Please enter values :

Milli Amp Hours
Milli Amps




Calaculator finds the Estimated batery life in hours using

Battery Storage Rating Calculation Formula:

BLT= Capacity of battery / Consumption of the device * 0.70

The life of the battery depends on the capacity rating of battery and consumption of device. The unit of Capacity of battery is in Milli Amp Hours and unit for Consumption of the device is in Milli Amps.


Find the battery life for a battery having consumption of device is 10 Milli Amps and capacity rating of battery is 30 Milli Amp Hours

now we will use the formula as follows:

BLT= Capacity of battery / Consumption of the device * 0.70

BLT = 30/10*0.70

BLT = 2.1 Hours approx