
Calculate Average Speed using Distance and Time

The calculator which calculates the average speed based for entered values of time and distance.






Average Speed

The value for time to entered properly for example:
if we wants to enter 2 hours 30 minuts then time in sec should be enter as 0.

If time is like 90 min than Time in hrs and Time in sec should be entered as 0, means we can enter 0 for blank feild. The calculator will give same result if we enter the time as follows for 90 min:

Time in Hrs = 1 , Time in Min = 30 and Time in Sec = 0

Time in Hrs = 1 , Time in Min = 29 and Time in Sec = 60

Time in Hrs = 0 , Time in Min = 90 and Time in Sec = 0

Time in Hrs = 0 , Time in Min = 0 and Time in Sec = 5400