List of formulas related to alternating current
i: instantaneous current (A),
Io: maximum instantaneous current (A),
T: period of the wave,
f: frequency,
λ: wavelength,
c: speed of light
$$ U = \frac{U_o}{\sqrt{2}} $$ $$ I = \frac{I_o}{\sqrt{2}} $$
$$ U_R = IR $$
$$ u_R = I_o R cos\omega t $$
ZL: inductive reactance
$$ u_L = I_o Z_L cos(\omega t + \frac{\pi}{2}) $$
$$ Z_L = L_\omega $$
$$ U_L = IZ_L $$
ZC: capacitive reactance
$$ u_c = I_o Z_c cos(\omega t - \frac{\pi}{2}) $$
$$ Z_c = \frac{1}{\omega C } $$
$$ U_c = IZ_c $$
Z: impedance
$$ u = I_oZcos(\omega t + \phi) $$
$$ Z = \sqrt{R^2 + (Z_L - Z_C)^2} $$
$$ U = \sqrt{{U_{R}} ^2 + (U_L - U_C)^2} $$
$$ tan\phi = \frac{U_L - U_C}{U_R} $$ $$ = \frac{Z_L - Z_C}{Z} $$
$$ cos\phi = \frac{U_R}{U} = \frac{R}{Z}$$
$$ P = UIcos\phi = RI^2 $$
$$ \phi = 0 $$ $$ Z_{min} = R $$ $$ I_{max} = \frac{U}{R} $$ $$ Z_L = Z_C $$ $$ \omega = \frac{1}{\sqrt{LC}} $$ $$ cos\phi _{max} = 1 $$ $$ U_L = U_C $$ $$ U = U_R $$
N1, N2: number of turns in the primary coil and secondary coil; U1, U2: primary and secondary voltage; I1, I2: primary and secondary current
$$ \frac{U_1}{U_2} = \frac{N_1}{N_2} = \frac{I_1}{I_2} $$