
Aperture Antennas Electric Field Calculation

The calculator will calculate the electric field radiated by the aperture antennas at two different angle based on given values.



Antenna Aperture is the measurement of the antennas efficiency at its transmitting and receiving radio waves. The formula used as follows:


Eθ= [ ( j ×k ×a2×E0×e-jkr ) / r ] × Sin φ [ ( J1×k×a×Sinθ) / k×a ×Sinθ] φ
= [ ( j×k×a2×E0×e-jkr ) / r ] ×(Cosθ×Cosφ) [(J1×k×a×Sinθ) / k×a×Sinθ]


k = 2 π / λ

λ = Wave Length

E0 = 8.8541878176 ×10-12F/m (electric constant)

θ = Coordinate Angle 1

φ = Coordinate Angle 2

a = Radius of Circular Aperture

r = Distance of the observation point from the Origin

j = Electric Current Density

J1 = Electric Current Density for 1st element