
Calculate Antenna Arrays

The calculator will calculate the Array Factor for given values.



The calculator will find the Array Factor for given values of polar angle, wave length, difference phase of two elements, distance between each two elements and number of elements in array.

The antenna arrays are formed by assembling identical (in most cases) radiating elements such as dipoles.


AF = [ ( Sin (N × φ / 2 ) / ( Sin (φ / 2 ) ]


φ = ( k×d×Cos θ) + β

k = 2 π / λ

Types of antenna array

Phased arrays and binomial arrays which is also called as amplitude arrays.

The general array shape are linear, circular and planar.

Linear array : The antenna elements arranged in straight line.

Planar array : The antenna elements arranged over some planar surface.

Circular array : The antenna elements arranged around a circular ring.

Conformal array : The antenna elements arranged to conform some non-planar surface.