
Photon Energy using Planck's Constant

Calculate the photon energy along with Wavelength of light or Frequency of light using Plancks constant as per given value.




Case 1 : Enter the Wavelength of light than

Out put will be Energy of Photon and Frequency of light

Case 2 : Enter the Frequency of light than

Out put will be Energy of Photon and Wavelength of light

A photon is characterized by either a wavelength, denoted by λ or equivalently an energy, denoted by E.

There is an inverse relationship between the energy of a photon and the wavelength of the light given by the equation.


Energy of Photon (E) =hc/λ or E =hv


h=planck's constant (6.6260695729x10-34),

c=velocity of light ( 2.99792458x108),



We can find the energy of a photon with wavelength or we can also find the energy of a photon with frequency. We can input the value in the input-box of Wavelength of light or Frequency of light.

Planck's law

Planck's law describes the spectral density of electromagnetic radiation emitted by a black body in thermal equilibrium at a given temperature T, when there is no net flow of matter or energy between the body and its environment.