Battery Charger calculator
Battery Charger Calculator is used to calculate the maximum charge time of batteries, based on the entered information.
Formula used:
MTFC (10% Efficiency Loss) = ((BC / CRC) * 11) / 10,MTFC (20% Efficiency Loss) = ((BC / CRC) * 12)/10,
MTFC (30% Efficiency Loss) = ((BC / CRC) * 13)/10,
MTFC (40% Efficiency Loss) = ((BC / CRC) * 14)/10,
MTFC (No Efficiency Loss) = ((BC / CRC) * 10)/10
MTFC - Maximum Time To Full Charge,
BC - Battery Capacity,
CRC - Charge Rate Current
The calculator finds the maximum battery charge time for for given values.
Maximum time to full charge (≤10%) efficiency loss is virtually impossible and usually accepted standard for efficiency loss is 20%.
The efficiency loss 30% and 40% are better than 10%.
If efficiency loss is above 40% than we should try to find the reason by changing the charger or replacing the battery.