Reflection of Light by Spherical Mirrors
A mirror whose polished, reflecting surface is a part of a hollow sphere of glass or plastic is called a spherical mirror. In a spherical mirror, one of the two curved surfaces is coated with a thin layer of silver followed by a coating of red lead oxide paint. Thus, one side of the spherical mirror is opaque and the other side is a highly polished reflecting surface. In a diagram the opaque side of a mirror is always shown shaded.

Law of Reflection :
1.The angle of incident is equal to the angle of reflection i.e. i = r
2. The incident ray, the reflected ray and the normal lie on the same plane.
Regular Reflection
When a beam pass of parallel light rays is incident on a smooth and plane surface, the reflected rays will also be parallel. This type of reflection is called Regular Reflection.

Irregular Reflection
When a beam of parallel light rays is scattered in all directions. Therefore the parallel rays incident on the surface will reflect in different directions. This type of reflection is called "Irregular or Diffuse Reflection".