
Homogenous and heterogenous

Heterogeneous and homogeneous refer to mixtures of materials in chemistry. The difference between heterogeneous and homogeneous mixtures is the degree at which the materials are mixed together and the uniformity of their composition. Heterogeneity is the state of being heterogeneous. It is the nature of opposition, or contrariety of qualities. It is diverse in kind or nature; composed of diverse parts, or resulting from differing causes. In general, a heterogeneous entity is composed of dissimilar parts, hence the constituents are of a different kind that can be distinguished from one another.

Homogeneous Mixture Examples

  • air
  • sugar water
  • rain water
  • vodka
  • vinegar
  • dishwashing detergent
  • steel
  • You can't pick out components of a homogeneous mixture or use a simple mechanical means to separate them. You can't see individual chemicals or ingredients in this type of mixture. Only one phase of matter is present in a homogeneous mixture.

    A heterogeneous mixture is a mixture where the components of the mixture are not uniform or have localized regions with different properties.