
Transposition Equations Solver

Please enter the equation and select x or y

Ex: 2x+5y=7
Ex: y



Transposition equations solver provide the solution for the algebra equation in easier method.

Every equations have two sides-

a Left Hand Side (LHS) and a Right Hand Side (RHS)

like 2x + 5y = 7,

Now we can select x or y to find the transposition equation as per selection.

The transposition is a technique to solve most of the algebraic equations.

Every algebraic equation have two sides- one is Left Hand Side (LHS) and other is Right Hand Side (RHS).

For example : 5x + 50 = 90

In this equation 5x + 50 is on the Left Hand Side of the equation and 90 is on the Right Hand Side of the equation.

Now we will do the same thing to both sides of the equation with the aim of bringing like terms together and isolating the unknown quantity.

Therefore we see + 50 (LHS) and 90 (RHS) both are numbers means if we subtract 50 from LHS and RHS than we will get rid of number 50 from LHS like:

5x + 50 – 50 = 90 – 50

=> 5x + 0 = 40

=> 5x = 40

Now to get the value of x, we can divide both side with 5 like:

5x / 5 = 40 / 5

=> x = 8

We can test correctness of answer by substituting the value of x in the equation in LHS as follows:

5x + 50 = 90

(LHS)           (RHS)

5 * 8 + 50

=> 40 + 50

= 90

Hence we proved that LHS equals RHS.

If we input same equestion in calculator then calculator will show the answer as follows:


=> x = (40) / 5

=> x = 8