
Ozone and its Reactions

An ozone process is always based on the effect of direct and indirect reaction mechanisms. This is consequential to the disintegration of ozone in water, into OH-radicals. These radicals are very short-living compounds that have an even stronger oxidation mechanism than that of ozone.

Ozone is a gas that is naturally present in our atmosphere. Ozone has the chemical formula O3 because an ozone molecule contains three oxygen atoms . Ozone was discovered in laboratory experiments in the mid- 1800s.

Stratospheric ozone- Stratospheric ozone is formed naturally by chemical reactions involving solar ultraviolet radiation (sunlight) and oxygen molecules, which make up 21% of the atmosphere.

In the first step, solar ultraviolet radiation breaks apart one oxygen molecule (O2) to produce two oxygen atoms (2 O) In the second step, each of these highly reactive atoms combines with an oxygen molecule to produce an ozone molecule (O3). These reactions occur continually whenever solar ultraviolet radiation is present in the stratosphere.

Tropospheric ozone

Ozone is produced by chemical reactions involving naturally occurring gases and gases from pollution sources. Ozone production reactions primarily involve hydrocarbon and nitrogen oxide gases, as well as ozone itself, and all require sunlight for completion. Fossil fuel combustion is a primary source of pollutant gases that lead to tropospheric ozone production.

The production of ozone near the surface does not significantly contribute to the abundance of stratospheric ozone. The amount of surface ozone is too small in comparison and the transport of surface air to the stratosphere is not effective enough.