
Calculate Terminal Velocity

Calculate the Terminal Velocity for given values:





The calculator will find the terminal velocity for given values of mass of the falling object, acceleration due to gravity, density of fluid, projected area of the object and drag coefficient.

When any object falls due to gravity then object speed is gained due to gravitation force this maximum falling speed is called terminal velocity.


Vt = √ ((2*m*g) / (ρ * A * Cd))


Vt = Terminal Velocity (Maximum Falling Speed),

m = Mass of the Falling Object,

g = Acceleration due to Gravity,

ρ = Density of Fluid,

A = Projected Area of the Object,

Cd = Drag Coefficient


Terminal velocity is the highest velocity that can be attained by an object when it falls. As the object falls the force of gravity initially causes it to continuously speed-up as predicted by Newton.

As it gets faster and faster the air drag force increases until eventually, the air drag force is exactly equal to the force of gravity and there is no net force acting on the object.

If these two forces are exactly balanced then object will no longer speed up or slow down but will continue falling at a constant velocity.