
Rectangle and Parallelogram Calculator

Calculate the various properties of rectangle or parallelogram for given values.

Area of Parallelogram or Rectangle : [ base × height ]

Perimeter of Parallelogram or Rectangle :[ 2(base) + 2(height) ]

Formula : Area = base×height

Formula : Perimeter = 2(base + height)



In the case of rectangle all interior angles are right angles (90°) and opposite sides are parallel and equal in length. The rectangle is also known as quadrilaterals. The diagonals of rectangle are congruent.



In the case of parallelogram none of interior angles can not be right-angles(90°) and opposite sides are parallel and equal in length.

Types of parallelogram

Rhombus: The parallelogram which is having all equal sides. Means a parallelogram having four congruent sides. There are shapes like diamond, rhomb or lozenge.

Rectangle: The parallelogram which is having all right angles and the diagonals are equal. Means a parallelogram having four congruent interior angles.

Square: The parallelogram having all equal sides and all angles equal to 90 degrees. The diagonals of a square are also equal. Means the parallelogram having four congruent sides and four congruent interior angles.