
Volume of cylinder with hemispherical ends calculator

Calculate the volume of cylinder with Hemispherical ends for given Radius and length


The capsule is a shape consisting of a cylinder with hemispherical ends means a sphere has been cut in half through its center and combined at both the ends of a cylinder.


Volume = (Pi X r2 X L) + (4 X Pi / 3 X r3)

Hemisphere end example - capsule

The Hemisphere is a half of a sphere. It is usually divided into northern and southern halves by the equator.

For examples:

Calculate the volume of a cylinder with hemispherical ends with the given radius 7 and length 30 cm respectively.

Volume of a cylinder = (PI * r2 * h) + (( 4 / 3 ) * PI * r3)

= (3.14*49*30)+((4/3)*3.14*343)

= 4615.8 + (4/3) * 1077.02

= 4615.8 + 1.3333 * 1077.02

= 4615.8 + 1436.02666
