
Geometric progression Calculator

Calculate geometric sequence of a series of numbers for the given values.

Geometic Sequence Calculator

The geometric progression is also known as a geometric series. It is a sequence of numbers such that the quotient of any two successive members of the sequence is a constant called the common ratio (common difference) of the sequence.

The geometric progression of n terms, we mean a finite sequence in the form as follows :

a, ar, ar2, ar3, . . . . arn-1


(a) is the first term of GP and real number

(r) is common difference.

Sn = a+ ar + ar2 + ar3 + ar4 +…+arn-1

The sum of n terms of GP formula:

Sn = na if r=1

Sn = a[(rn-1)/(r-1)] if r ≠ 1


a is the first term

r is the common ratio

n is the number of terms