
Find Volume and Surface Area of Tube Shape Donut



Surface Area of the Torus : If we divide the torus into k cylinders each having length l, now consider the division of the torus into k cylinders each having the length l, curved surface area of each such cylinder will be 2Πrl; consequently the surface area of the torus will be 2Πrlk and or we can say the surface area of the torus as 4Π2rR.
Volume of the Torus : If we divide the torus into k cylinders each of length l; then the volume of each cylinder will be Πr2l. Volume of the torus will be the sum of the volumes of these k cylinders, Πr2lk. The volume of the torus to be equal to 2Π2r2R.

torus adoughnut shape

The torus is the mathematical name for a doughnut shape or rubber ring shape whuch is hollow inside.

The Torus can be form by revolving small circle (radius r) along the line formed by the bigger circle (radius R). torus has no edges or vertices and It is not a polyhedron.