
Percentage Increase Calculator

Calculate the percentage increase or decrease for given values.


The negetive value of percent increase means it is Decrease.

To calculate the percentage increase the 1st we calculate the difference (increase) between the two entered values

Increase = Increased value - Original value and then divide the increase by the original number and multiply by 100.

% increase = Increase ÷ Original value × 100

In case Percentage Increase shows a negative value then this is a percentage decrease.


1. Find the percentage increase, if the original value is 1000 and the increase value is 1055.

Percentage Increase = [(1055 - 1000) ×100]/1000

= 5500/1000

= 5.5%

The percentage increase is 5.5%

2. Find the percentage increase, if the original value is 780 and the increase value is 705.

Percentage Increase = [(705 - 780) ×100]/780

= -7500/780

= -9.615%

The percentage increase is -9.615% means there is a decrease of 9.615%