Percentage Increase Calculator
Calculate the percentage increase or decrease for given values.
To calculate the percentage increase the 1st we calculate the difference (increase) between the two entered values
Increase = Increased value - Original value and then divide the increase by the original number and multiply by 100.
% increase = Increase ÷ Original value × 100
In case Percentage Increase shows a negative value then this is a percentage decrease.
1. Find the percentage increase, if the original value is 1000 and the increase value is 1055.
Percentage Increase = [(1055 - 1000) ×100]/1000
= 5500/1000
= 5.5%
The percentage increase is 5.5%
2. Find the percentage increase, if the original value is 780 and the increase value is 705.
Percentage Increase = [(705 - 780) ×100]/780
= -7500/780
= -9.615%
The percentage increase is -9.615% means there is a decrease of 9.615%